Bring yoga to school

Our kids need to learn how to properly emotionally regulate, manage stress and feel good in their bodies to live a healthy life. Yoga is a powerful tool to have in their toolbox to help navigate the stresses of life. It promotes mental and emotinal well-being while strengthening the body and mind. With breathwork, meditation and physical postures, yoga activates the para-sympathetic nervous system to help relax and and pull the body out of fight or flight. When practiced consitently we are able to tap back into to our center if triggered or faced with a challenge. Yoga, breathwork, meditation and emotional regulation should be a basic life skill taught to all children so they can move forward in life with confidence and an inner-peace.

Online Yoga Program

Our online yoga program is offered to all students in your school so they can start to build an at home practice. It consits of guided meditations, yoga classes, breathwork and fitness videos to promote well-being. We offer an introduction to yoga course as well a pose guide to learn proper alignment and provide over 30 hours of classes with fun challneges t complete every month.

Fundraiser Event

With the online membership, we offer one fundraiser event per calender year to raise money for your school. This can be done at your school gym and is a 60 minute class accessible for all levels. Good for the whole family!

Yoga course

We also offer a 6 week yoga course to bring to your school to introduce students to yoga and build a solid foundation to start a yoga practice.

Let’s work together.

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you!