





Mind . Body . Soul .


March 20

Spring Equinox Celebration


108 Sun Salutations & Yin Yoga

Tymeless Studios

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Back to Mind Body & Soul

Now is the time to balance your mind, align your body and connect your soul through meditation, Yoga Asana, Mudra practice and holistic living. Giving your self this time to re-connect by dis-connecting the outside world, bringing your nervous out of fight/flight and truly tapping in to the essence of your life-force energy. These practices are meant to awaken the Mind Body Soul connection promoting wellness in every aspect of our lives, on and off the mat. Mind Body Soul is rooted in the practice of yoga and infused with soulful art. We believe art and music are the thread that brings humanity together just as Vinyasa is like the golden thread syncing breath and movement connecting us to our roots.

Mind Body Soul

  • Mind

    Our mind is the tool that navigates us through life. When the mind is centered we have clarity and focus. We are able to discern properly as our para-sympathetic nervous system is activated and our emotions are regulated. Mind Body Soul offers meditative practices to help focus the mind, including breath work and a Mudra practice.

  • Body

    Strengthen, align and relax your body with yoga asana; a special placement of postures using breath to guide you through to reach full body alignment. We offer workshops and online classes in Vinyasa, Yin, Slow Flows, Hatha and Power Yoga.

  • Soul

    Yoga is the journey to connect to the most authentic version you. It translates to the union of one’s self. Your soul. In honor of practicing yoga off the mat we host music and art events to give a space to our community to authentically express your true Self.

Online Yoga Classes

Enjoy a variety of online yoga classes as we build our online yoga studio launching in May. We offer Vinyasa, Wake Up Flows, Slow Flows, Hatha and Yin.

Yoga Mats

  • Buddha Yoga Mat


  • Contrast Yoga Mat


  • Spark Yoga Mat
